Vision, Alignment and Execution: How to Lead People Through Change and Innovation

Managers and organizational leaders have a responsibility to envision future realities that will meet the needs and expectations of clients, customers and all who benefit from the mission of the organization. Turning these vision statements into reality requires the collective efforts and commitments of all team members who then hold each other accountable for results. Vision, alignment and execution – each phase of leading change requires a different set of competencies, so leaders can effectively achieve mission results.

This workshop will explore the competencies that enable managers, organizational leaders, team leads, and project managers to successfully engage others through the process of change.

Learning Objectives

  • Discover the skills that are necessary to collaboratively build visions
  • Learn how to use your strengths and when you need to adapt
  • Learn when your greatest strengths can hinder alignment and execution
  • Gain insight into how to help others move from vision to execution
  • Create teams where team members hold each other accountable for results