A Pinch of This … A Pound of That… A Recipe for Relationships

Life is relationships.  If you want to be successful in life you have to be successful in relationships.  According to the relationship cookbook of Psychologist Carl Rogers, there is a recipe that promotes and facilitates the growth and development of successful relationships.

This recipe contains three essential ingredients.  They are: genuineness, empathy, and unconditional positive regard.  This class examines this recipe, and challenges participants to develop a way-of-life style that uses these ingredients in all of their relationships.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand why some people accept change and growth and others resist it
  • Understand what kind of person you need to be to facilitate healthy relationships
  • Learn how to empathize with people
  • Discover the power of “Unconditional Positive Regard”
  • Overcome the tendency to trap people in your point-of-view
  • Learn how to approach relationships with more authenticity and genuineness
  • Experience the growth of meaningful trust as your reward for supplying these ingredients