Getting Things Done: The Tricks Behind Actually Finishing What You Start

Are you one of those people who struggle to follow through on tasks, to complete what you set out to do, and to realize your goals? Get in line — we’re all one of “those people”.  Everyone struggles with following through on their intentions.  Is it procrastination?  Laziness perhaps?  Maybe a simple lack of willpower?  How about none of the above?

The good news is failure to follow through is not entirely your fault.  In this session we’ll reveal how your brain works against you in trying to follow through on your intentions. The bad news is, you’re still responsible for doing something about it, so you will learn best practices you can implement which will help you accomplish what you start or intend to start.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how your brain acts against you when trying to accomplish tasks and realize goals
  • Discover a stress-free approach to managing the “to do” lists of your life
  • Learn four basic disciplines for setting and following through on goals and intentions
  • Assess where your productivity management system fails you and how you can fix it