It seems axiomatic that leadership is all about making people a priority and ensuring that they have whatever they need to be successful. But what does this really look like in practice? In most organizations there is so much emphasis on performance, deadlines, project management, constraints and results, that leadership devolves into an exercise in performance management, feedback loops and status reports. Over and over employees say: “I don’t even know my supervisor”. If employees have a need to feel productive, certainly leadership is meeting this need, but what about the need to feel emotionally safe and supported, intellectually challenged, or even the need to feel inspired and existentially purposeful?
Human centered leadership recognizes that productivity is not the priority, but rather the byproduct of effective leadership. The priority of leadership is meeting the fundamental psychological needs that cause people to experience the kind of fulfillment that leads them to perform at their highest capacity. This program introduces participants to four qualities of human centered leadership are designed to promote a more connected, engaged, motivated, and higher performing workplace.
Learning Objectives