Leap and the Net Will Appear: Risk Taking, Achievement & Fear

Ever had something you desired, something you wanted to go for in life and YOU talked YOU out of it?  We’ve all experienced that uncomfortable questioning of our abilities, doubting of ourselves, and the fear associated with stepping out there and taking a risk.

Overcoming this fear and reaching for what we desire is important – you could say that our lives depend on it!  How do we make those leaps of faith toward achieving what we want out of life?  This session shines the light on our risk-taking fears and provides us with the insight and tools we need to encourage the risk-taker in all of us.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and the fears that hold you back and explore where they originate
  • Develop the tools and practice the skills for connecting with your risk-taking side
  • Learn how to understand fear and turn it into anticipation
  • Understand the risk-reward connection
  • Learn an efficient process for evaluating when to accept risks at work